Best Programming Languages That Will Get You a Job

What Coding Language Will Get Me a Job?

Increasingly, employers are looking for people who have coding skills. But with a plethora of languages to choose from, it can be difficult to know where you should be focusing. What coding language will give you the best chance of landing a job? 

The best language will depend on the type of career you want to pursue. Generally, though, it’s a good idea to know general-purpose languages like Python and C++. It’s also a good idea to know how to write in JavaScript, which is the most popular programming language in the world. 

There are a few languages that are in demand. Keep reading to learn more about how you can build the skills that employers are clamoring for. 

Most In-Demand Languages

There are plenty of languages out there. The reason for the variety is that each has been designed for a specific set of situations. For example, something like Python is a more general language. On the other hand, HTML is primarily designed for designing web pages. 

With these considerations in mind, we can identify what the most in-demand languages will be. These include: 

  • JavaScript. This is one of the most popular languages in the world, with 70 percent of programmers using it. It’s a core part of web programming. The good news is that it’s fairly easy for you to learn.   
  • Python. This is often the first language that a prospective programmer will learn. It’s easy to learn the syntax and can perform a range of complex tasks. 
  • HTML/CSS. These are the most commonly used items in a web software developer’s toolbox. They are the building blocks of web pages. 
  • Go. This language was developed by Google. It’s primarily used for data science and machine learning. It’s a good idea for beginners who are getting started in this area, easier to learn than languages like C++. 
  • SQL. This is essential for retrieving information from a database. This can be used across multiple areas, making it the third most popular programming language.  
  • Swift. If you are planning on developing apps for the Apple App Store, you’ll need to use Swift. It will also be needed for those who are planning on developing an app for the Mac. 
  • C# and C++. These are general-purpose languages. They will be a core part of building applications that run on Windows. 
  • PHP. This language is popular for backend development in web development. 
  • Rust. This is a relatively new language, which aims to be a competitor to general-purpose languages like C++ and C#. However, it is considered safer for beginners. You won’t be able to perform functions that could damage the system or cause erratic behavior when the program is run. 

Each of these languages comes with a set of strengths and weaknesses. As you are learning how to program, it’s also a good idea to understand the circumstances in which it will be best to use the language.  

Usually, in your career, you will need to learn multiple languages. For example, a web developer will need to learn HTML and CSS. They will also need to understand how to create the back end. This can mean learning something like JavaScript or PHP. 

It should be noted that the most popular languages will likely change over time. New ones will emerge which will offer more utility. Because of this, programmers will need to be flexible. It’s expected that you will be willing to keep learning new skills throughout your career.

What Language Pays the Most? 

When thinking about the languages that employers are looking for, this can often lead to another important question. Which one will pay the most? There are a few languages that tend to offer the best pay. These are

  • Swift
  • C
  • Ruby 
  • Perl
  • Go 
  • Scala

It should be noted that the amount that you will be earning isn’t solely based on the language that you are using. For example, you will often get paid based on your seniority. The more experience you have, the more you will be paid. 

Because of this, an average computer programmer can expect to earn around $50,000. A more experienced programmer might be paid between $60,000 to $110,000. 

Maintaining Legacy Systems

When deciding which computer language you want to pursue, there is another important element for you to consider. There are plenty of legacy systems. These are older programs, based on languages that aren’t as widely used. While the language might not be as popular, the systems are still important to keep maintained and working. 

Sometimes, you will be in charge of modernizing the system. In this case, you will need to take the instructions and convert them into a new modern language. While this can help a company keep up with changing technology, it will be a big job, which requires a specialized skillset. 

Some of these legacy languages include things like: 

  • DB2. This was originally created by IBM during the 1970s. Today, though, it’s still used by a range of systems and it can run on multiple platforms. 
  • Cobol. This stretches back to the 1960s but is still found in some finance businesses. 
  • Assembly Language. This often relates to a specific piece of equipment. The good news is that it’s one of the easiest languages for you to learn.  
  • Fortran. This was developed in the 1950s. While it’s not common today, it might still be used in some aerospace companies.  
  • C. This is a basic programming language, which has helped spawn the more popular C# and C++. However, there are still some legacy systems that need people are used to using this language. 

While these languages aren’t used to build modern applications, legacy languages can be a good way of boosting your resume. Many people don’t take the time to learn how to program in them. Because of this, having these skills can sometimes mean that you are the only qualified applicant. 

Choosing the Right Language For You

Hopefully, you now have a better idea of some of the most popular programming languages. But with so many to choose from, it can be hard to find the right one for you. To help you do this, there are a few things that you should consider. 

First, you should think about how the language will be used. Some, like Python and C++, will be general use. This gives you plenty of options to explore. Others will be more specific. HTML and CSS tend to be used for designing web pages. Swift is used primarily for developing apps for the Apple store. 

At this stage, it can be a good idea to think about the type of applications you want to work on. From there, you can figure out the programs that are most common in your chosen profession. 

Another thing to consider is the difficulty of the language. This will help inform the order in which you learn them. It’s easier to start with a more basic language, like Python. Once you have the basics down, you can move on to more advanced languages. Often, once you’ve learned one language it will be easier to pick up the next one. 

Remember, you aren’t locked into your choice. Many programmers will know multiple languages. Times change and new languages will emerge. You’ll need to get used to dedicating some time to keeping up with these changes. Plus, the more languages you are fluent in, the more appealing you will become to recruiters. 

How to Learn These Languages

Hopefully, you now have a better idea of some of the languages that you want to learn. But what are the best ways to learn a new programming language? The good news is that you have plenty of low-cost options. 

There are plenty of free resources that you can use. This includes things like: 

It should be noted that many big names, like Google and Facebook, will offer free courses for you. You can also check out resources like YouTube. If you want to spend a little money, there are even more paid resources for you to explore.  Alternatively, you can try a boot camp. This will teach you a lot of skills in a short space of time and attending a prominent one can look good on your resume. 

When choosing which resource you want to use, try to pick one that comes with some kind of certification. This will allow you to verify that you have completed the course. Additionally, consider the format that it will be in. Some people learn best through watching videos, others prefer to read articles, or you might want a mix of both. 

When you are learning, it’s important to seek out ways to put your skills to a practical test. Some courses will have projects for you to work on. You might want to start developing your own applications. Or you can take part in a coding competition. 

You must be able to show this practical experience on your resume. This proves to potential employers that you have the skills you claim to possess. For example, you might want to build some sample projects.  

Other Skills That a Recruiter Will Look For

While technical skills are important, they aren’t the only thing that will determine your ability to land a job. Many recruiters will be looking for a more diverse set of skills.  These include: 

  1.  A positive frame of mind. If you are a beginner, it’s essential to be open to new opportunities. Be prepared to learn a new language. Recruiters will want to find someone who will be able to fit into the existing company culture. 
  2. Strong problem-solving skills.  It’s vital to be able to able to puzzle out why something isn’t working. Sometimes, you will be handled a technical problem and be asked to write code to solve it. 
  3. Strong attention to detail. The wrong keystroke might be enough to bug your program. You’ll then need to have the discipline to go through each line of code to find where you made the mistake. It will be vital to work methodically, following a familiar set of steps. 
  4. Ability to operate under pressure. In some fields, you will need to work under tight deadlines, rushing to get the job done. 
  5. Effective communication skills. You’ll need to take a complex technical problem and explain it in simple language. Depending on the role, you might be expected to write reports. 
  6. Ability to work alone. Most of the time, you will be working by yourself or as part of a small group. You need to be able to self-motivate and stick to deadlines. 

Getting the Recruiters Attention

The good news is that those with software skills are expected to be in demand in the future. A recent survey found that 64 percent of companies were planning on hiring at least 50 developers in the next year. However, you will still need to compete for these positions. There are a few ways to make sure that your resume stands out from the pack. 

A good way to attract the attention of a recruiter is by being able to demonstrate your skills. There are a few ways that you can do this. These include: 

  • Starting a blog
  • Completing sample projects and starting a virtual portfolio
  • Starting a LinkedIn page, this is where a lot of recruiters will post jobs

While you are waiting for the recruiters to call you, try to get some real-world experience. For example, you might pick up an internship. Or you can work with some local small businesses. While these might not pay a lot, or at all, they will strengthen your resume. Make sure that to list the business owners as references on your resume. 

Final Thoughts

Computer programming is set to become a popular and lucrative career path. However, to pursue a career in this area, you’ll need to make sure that you have the right skills. This will mean taking the time to learn the appropriate languages. The ones that you will need to learn will depend on the area that you want to specialize in. The good news is that once you have learned the first one, picking up additional languages won’t take long. 

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