How Many Programming Languages Should You Learn?

How Many Programming Languages Should I Learn?

Coding is a skill in high demand, and the number of programming languages to learn is increasing every day. Learning just one language can be daunting for beginners who want their skills to grow exponentially. 

You should learn at least one programming language before starting any other – learn how to code in Python, Java, or Ruby. Additionally, there are some additional complex programming languages to learn that could build your skills and prepare for a job interview with companies like Google. 

Read on to discover how many and which programming languages you should learn. Additionally, we will discuss how long learning them might take and what other skills programmers should learn.

Which Programming Languages Should I Learn? 

The more languages a developer knows – whether they are backend or frontend focused, scripting based or object-oriented, web development frameworks such as Ruby on Rails or Django-the better off they will be in today’s competitive job market. 

Learn two different programming languages like Java or Python. Your skillset will be increased exponentially with just a small-time investment from learning one additional new language. Programming is ever-expanding, by adding an additional language, you increase your chances of landing a job.

Which Programming Languages Should You Learn First?

It can be hard to decide which language is best for beginners because there are so many different options available today – from web development frameworks such as HTML/CSS and JavaScript. Learning back-end design tools including ROR (Ruby On Rails) and Django, scripting languages allow developers access system resources via C++ libraries including Lua and Python, to mobile designer tools including PhoneGap and Appcelerator.

The first programming language you should learn is JavaScript (or Java if this doesn’t work out), which runs 90% of all modern websites. It’s an object-oriented scripting language. 

Another programming language would depend on your niche. Still, there are many languages worth checking out, such as Python, PHP, Ruby on Rails, C++, C – whatever fits into the specific needs of each programmer!

The important thing is that you learn to write code, regardless of what language it’s in. Once you learn how to do this and learn the basics about programming languages, then go ahead and learn another one! But if you don’t know which one to pick first for beginners, just ask yourself these questions:

  • What are my strengths? 
  • Which type of programming language would I like most? 
  • Do I want a job as a web developer or an app designer? And so on.

But the secret seems to be that it doesn’t matter which programming language you learn first as long as you learn one of them! 

What Other Skills Should Programmers Have?

There are other skills that programmers can learn besides just coding, like debugging code, writing unit tests for programs (to make sure everything works as expected), optimizing your designs for speed/performance on the web, etc. All these things will help you become a better programmer!

Besides writing HTML/CSS and JavaScript, a programmer in today’s world should learn to work with a wide variety of different programming languages. Some people may only learn one or two while others learn many more, but no matter how much someone learns, they need to use them effectively and efficiently. 

How Long Does It Take to Learn Coding Languages? 

To learn these languages, you should learn the basics first, learn programming languages, and learn each language in short increments. Understanding how they work individually will go a lot further than trying to learn everything at once in terms of mastering the programming language.

Basic programming languages can be learned in a few weeks. Advanced programming languages can take months to learn. It can take anywhere from six months to three years before someone becomes fully proficient with any specific programming skill.

The amount of programming languages you have learned is a personal preference that depends on what type of work you are looking for or your current skill level with coding. If you have base-level knowledge in coding, take your time learning a more complex language. If not, begin with a basic language first so you can be ready to use your skills in just a few weeks. 

How Do I Learn Programming Languages?

Learning programming languages can take some time, but there are various tools to help those with different learning styles learn at their own speed. If you are a visual learner, there are visual ways to learn programming languages available to you. 

The best way to learn programming languages is to learn them from a book or online tutorial.  There are also videos and podcasts. If you want to write your programs, learn how to use an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) like Visual Studio

It’s worth it if this will help you learn programming languages faster! Some tips to learn the programming languages of your choice are:

  • Learn the basics of programming first. That’s how you’ll learn about loops, variables, and functions, etc.
  • Get some tutorials on the language or languages that you want to learn to contextualize what you’re trying to do by learning them.
  • Practice! There is no other way around this one – just keep writing code until you feel proficient. 

When learning new programming languages, be mindful of the problem you want the language to solve (text processing or graphics). For example, Python might not be the best choice if the goal is to process text data like HTML pages. 


Many people learn more than one programming language throughout their careers because it’s an essential skill to learn new concepts. But no matter how much you learn, they all need to be used effectively and efficiently before someone can say that they are a great programmer. As you learn more and grow in your career, the programming languages that are used will change.

Learn one good language first before deciding on a second or third. No matter which programming language you learn, learn as much as possible about it! Read through tutorials for syntax and frameworks; try to build something using it if you can. 



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